Reeve (The Phoenix Boys #3) Page 4
“We just know how they are, Leah and we don't want you to get hurt ok? I love Reeve and Skeet buy I don't want them using you like the groupies they sleep with. Shit they don't even sleep with them, they fuck and run. But also I have seen the way they look at you; their eyes are saying something different.”
I nod and snatch my bag up from the couch next to me. “I’m going for a walk to clear my head. There are way too many emotions jogging around my head and it messing with me. I came here to de-stress and that hasn’t happened. Reeve and Skeet are so up and down with me, well mainly Reeve,” I sigh. “But I will tell you both this, they are working their way past my walls and I don’t know to handle all of this. I was so excited to come here and visit you and meet Rafe and everyone. But I always knew that meeting Reeve would spark something in me. E, I love it here, I really do, but I need to clear my head and decide if Reeve and Skeet are worth the risk,” With that, I leave the apartment.
I head for the beach and just walk, not really having anywhere in mind. The beach here is beautiful, nothing like back home; not that we have any good beach weather. Wales, hell the UK, is known for its shitty weather. The sun is beating down on my back but I welcome it; I was always too pale, again thanks to the famous British weather. As I walk, I pass some clothing boutiques, a couple cafes, a tattoo shop and a few hair salons. That reminds me that I wanted my hair cut and dyed. I look both ways before crossing the road, stopping by the tattoo shop first to see if they can fit me in. The guy at the front desk lifts his head as I walk in; bloody hell, is everyone in LA freaking hot?
“Well hello there sweetness, what can I do for you today?” He winks at me and I smile back.
“Well fella, I was hoping you could fit me in for a new tattoo and piercing today. I have a design I want and I want my belly button pierced, please,” I say, adding a sweet smile. His smile gets even bigger and he leans his elbows onto the desk, bringing his face closer to mine.
“Fucking hell baby, that accent does all kind of things to my body. Hells yes, I will fit you in today. Holy shit, I will fit you in anytime you want, babe.” He winks again and I laugh. “So what tat do you want? Oh, I’m Theo by the way.” He sticks his hand out for me to shake.
“Leah Adams. I have the design right here,” I say, while digging around my Mary Poppins of a bag. Bloody hell, once you put something in this bag you can never find it. While I’m looking for my design, Theo asks where I’m from and why I’m here. I explain while still digging through my bag. Oh there it is, bloody thing.
“Here, I want this on my left wrist, please.” I smile at him and he nods his head while looking over my design.
“Ok, sweetness, can you come back in say two hours? That gives me time to ink my next client and then get things set up for you; you ok with that?”
“Yep, I’m gonna go see if the salon can fit me in while I wait; I need a freaking change, bud. Too much shit has happened and something has to change,” I say to Theo.
“And that something is you, right?”
“You got it. My whole outlook from now on is that I have to put me first sometimes. Even if people don’t like my decisions, they’re my decisions and my mistakes to make.” I wipe a stray tear that escapes, take a deep breath and look at Theo. “Shit, I’m sorry for going all crazy crying girl on you, Hun.” Theo rounds the desk and engulfs me in a bear hug and I embrace him back.
“That is some deep shit, sweetness but fucking right on. Come back to me in two hours and I will be ready for you.” He winks at me again and I walk out the door.
The hair salon is not that busy but I see a few older ladies sitting under the dryers with a full head of curlers. I walk to the reception desk, where I’m greeted by a very perky blonde.
“Hi, how can I help you today?” asks Miss Perky.
“Um, I was hoping to have my hair cut and colored today; is there any chance that can happen?” I ask, internally praying she says yes while she flicks through the book. I look around and see a very well dressed and very good looking bloke walking towards us. He smiles at me as he reaches us.
“It’s ok, Courtney. I can take her; her hair and her accent are to die for. Come and follow me baby girl and let’s see what I can do for you.” I smile at Miss Perky, who returns my smile and I follow the bloke to his chair. The salon is very clean and modern. I sit in the chair and he drapes the red cape around the front of my body.
“Ok, Miss Leah, what can I do for you baby girl?” He winks at me and I just stare at his reflection in the mirror.
“Do I know you?” I ask.
“Oh baby girl, my name is Jordan. Jack is my boyfriend. Ya know, Lucy’s Jack,” He says, smiling at me. Oh yeah I know Jack; I remember that he Skyped once with Lucy and Rafe, but I have never seen Jordan.
“I know Jack; we chatted on Skype once. He is well lush and has such good taste in men, I see.” I wink at him. He bends forward and whispers in my ear.
“Oh honey, he is not the only one with good taste; what’s up with Reeve and you? Can anyone say sexual tension?” I tense from his words. I need to stop this conversation from going any further until I sort my head out.
“Nothing, Jordan, let’s leave it at that … for now. So, what are you going to do to my hair honey? You have complete control, as long you don't make me look ridiculous.” We laugh.
“Awww baby girl, I flove you right now. I am going to make you look sexy as sin, not that you don’t look it now. Let’s go people. My baby girl needs a makeover.” He claps his hands and everyone jumps to it.
Just over two hours later and I am done. Jordan had a young girl from the salon to run to Theo’s tattoo shop and explain that I will be a little late but Theo thought that I needed extra company so he joined us in the salon. He and Jordan got on like a house on fire, joking around, the banter between them got down right filthy at times. Oh and I found out that Mr. Sexy-arse-tattoo-artist is bisexual. Good to know.
I have now gone from my plain old blonde hair that was straight and reached the small of my back, to having my hair now shoulder length and layered all over. Jordan has done an amazing job, not only with the cut and style but with also the color. I now have light pink colored hair and it looks amazing.
“Holy shit, Jordan, I look hot. Wow, thank you so much. I freaking love it, truly. I never would have thought this color would suit me,” I gush, touching my hair. I can’t keep my hands out of it; it feels silky soft and looks silky. I turn around to face the men.
“Ok, one mission down and now one to go, so Mr. Theo you need to get your hands on me and get me inked.” I wink at him and his mouth pops open, before a smirk slips across his face.
“Yeah, baby. I can’t fucking wait to get my hands on you. Let’s go. Jordan, my man, it was nice to meet you and I will see you soon.” He takes hold of my hand and practically drags me back to his tattoo shop.
Chapter 5
After last night’s roller coaster of emotions, waking up to Leah in my arms this morning felt so damn right, but scary as shit as well. She was all warm and soft pressed against me, my dick as hard as nails and I know that Skeet was feeling it too. I agree with him somewhat. That this cat and mouse chase has to stop, but I am afraid to hurt her; fuck, I am afraid of getting hurt. I know that if things turn to shit between us that Juicy will be hating on me big time and I don’t want that. I know that Leah has been in hell with her past relationships but my body can’t stop responding to her every time she is near me. She looked sexy lying between Skeet and me this morning and hell, I want her there again; so much for fighting my feelings and fucking her out of my system.
Shit, what the hell am I going to do?
After she bolted from my apartment this morning I missed her instantly, which in turn scared me. Fuck, I hate feeling like this and now I have to spend the day with her over at Rafe’s place for their cookout. Ever since Juicy bought Rafe a grill, he has BBQs all the time; not that I care because his cooking is better than anything I can
do. Plus, this is an excuse to try and have a chat with Lipsy. We need to try and clear the air and I am praying that she agrees to try with Skeet and me. I know that I told her that we only fuck once but she is different and I don’t think I could only have her for one night, even without Skeet. I have to agree that I think that being with the both of us scares her but for her I will take her on my own. Skeet knows my mixed up emotions come to the surface with her and I come off as a prick from time to time. I have a gut feeling that once I have a taste of Lipsy, I will crave more. I don’t bother with the gym or the studio and go for a run along the beach instead. I love the beach, the smell of the sea air and all the hot little bodies in even smaller bikinis strutting around.
I am breathing heavily by the time I get back to my place and head straight for the shower and to get ready for the BBQ. I let the water wash over me, washing the sweat and sea air off my skin, adding some soap and lathering up my body. I finish my shower and dry off. I pull on my faded blue jeans, which have holes in the knees and a few other places. I add a white tank with the slogan ‘Keep Calm and Keep Looking.’ Letty bought for me; she said it matched my personality because I love women looking at me. I snatch up my phone, keys and aviators, adding my Phoenix wrist band and head over to my brothers’ place.
On the drive over I get in the mindset that I have to have a chat with Lipsy; even if she doesn’t want to, things need to be said. I pull up outside Rafe and Lucy’s apartment building and walk around to the back garden. Music is playing and everyone is chatting and laughing. I can hear Demi squealing and chuckle to myself, God I love that little girl. I push open the gate and walk in. I make my way over to Rafe and Ryder who are standing by the grill chatting with Beck and Oscar. I see all the girls are sitting and talking over by the tables with Gunner and Zach.
“Brothers,” I say when I reach Rafe and Ryder.
“So, let’s jump right in, shall we? What is happening between you and Leah? She gave us this whole speech before leaving this morning and we haven’t heard from her since.” What the fuck?
“What do you mean, you haven’t heard from her? Where the hell did she go?”
“Well, if you stop your freaking out, you can turn around and ask her yourself.” I turn sharply and stare at the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. My heart skips a beat as I take her all in. The sounds around us completely fade away. Her five foot frame is small compared to my six foot and I love that. She is wearing black gladiator style sandals, with short jean shorts and a grey Jack Daniels ladies tank that fits snug across her perfectly sized tits that I really cannot wait to play with. I drag my eyes up her body and meet her face; my breath catches as I see the new change in her.
Holy fucking shit!!
Leah is no longer just a blond; she has had a tint of pink added to her hair. It’s like a dirty pale pink is the way I see it. It’s no longer down her back but it sits on her shoulders and it looks choppy and layered and fuck, it suits her. She is stunning. I lock eyes with my Lipsy and she bites her plump bottom lip.
“Fucking hell, baby you look good,” I say, making my way over to her. I take a strand of her hair between my fingers and feel the silkiness of it. She doesn’t flinch away from my touch and that makes my heart swell; maybe I am breaking through her brick walls that she has put up to protect her heart
Hello hard-on.
“I went to see Jordan and he sorted me with a new haircut, then went and had some new ink added to my body to make a newer me.” She smiles brightly up at me. She looks around and her eyes land on Ryder. “I ummm… went and saw your friend Theo at the tattoo shop and he helped me out. Really wicked guy, good with his hands too.” She winks at Ryder.
“What the fuck do you mean, he is good with his hands, Lipsy?” She shrugs and I hear the boys laughing behind me, fucking pricks. They know the effect she is having on me.
“Well, I had a new tattoo done and this …” she says, then lifts her shirt up to reveal her flat, toned belly button. Last night there was nothing there, but now. Fuck me, now she has her belly button pierced with a very decorative belly button bar. It’s silver with a very sexy pair of red sparkly lips hanging from the bottom of the bar. Fucking love it, it suits her to a T. I run my finger around her belly button and she shivers, goosebumps cover her skin and I wink at her. I notice that she has a bandage around her left wrist. She hinted that she got new ink as well.
“Baby, what did you have done?” I ask, wrapping my hand gently around her wrist.
“The wrap can come off now. Do you wanna help me?” She looks around, her eyes landing on Skeet, “maybe Skeet as well. So we can have a chat.” She gives me a shy smile, which is totally not her, but it proves to me that she is really nervous about this situation. I nod and look over to Skeet, who is chatting with the boys. I give him a chin lift and he gets my meaning. I catch Juicy looking at me but I smile my best Phoenix smile and tell her with my eyes that I will look after her little Welsh Cake.
We walk into the kitchen and I take three beers from the fridge and hand two of them to Lipsy and Skeet. I rest my hip against the unit by the sink. I crook my finger at Lipsy with a smirk on my face. Yeah baby, get your sexy ass over here. She walks towards me with just an extra bit of sway to her hips, sexy as sin. Skeet follows and stands behind Leah, resting his hands on her slender hips while I reach for her wrist. I turn the faucet on and let the water warm up so I can remove the wrap currently covering her new ink. I gently remove the wrap and she winces a little and as I peel the last bit, Skeet hands me a cloth. I dampen it with the warm water and gently wash around her tattoo, removing the dried blood and extra ink.
The tattoo is beautiful.
I bend my head and kiss the inside of her left wrist over the tattoo. Lipsy has a music bar perfectly wrapped around her wrist. She has a clef note on the inside of her wrist and the bar wraps around, meeting a bass clef treble heart. She also has a quote running around the music bar, “Life is tough, but so am I.”
Like I said, fucking beautiful.
I add a kiss to her wrist and I see Skeet closing in with his lips on her neck and as soon as he makes contact she shivers. Leah melts back into Skeet’s body and I close ranks at her front. I bow my head and capture her lips, which she licked just seconds ago. She licks my lips with her hot wet tongue and I open for her, our tongues dancing in a wet beat that is making my dick hard again. I mold my body to her and slant my head, deepening the kiss. Shit, she tastes better every time; she tastes like caramel, sweet. I open my eyes and see she is lost in the kiss as much as me. I make eye contact with Skeet and he smirks at me; fucker knows what I am thinking.
Lipsy breaks the kiss yet again and a growl slips from my throat. She smiles at me before sliding out from between Skeet and me. She picks up her bottle of beer and downs it; wow what a woman.
“Damn, baby. It is sexy seeing you down a beer like that,” Skeet’s pipes in and we laugh.
“I’m Welsh, what did you expect, mate?” She winks at Skeet, who takes a step towards her but she hold her hand up to stop him. “We need to have a chat, babe. I know that this is something that you both really want but I have a shit load of things running around in my head. It’s hard knowing how many girls you have been with, knowing I am not like them. I am an All-In-Kind-Of-Girl. I don’t shag around for the sake of it; once I am with someone I am with them one hundred percent.” She takes a deep breath but I am losing focus, her words spinning around in my head.
“What do you mean, like us and the girls we have been with? Fucking explain, Leah.” Skeet goes to speak but I beat him to it. “No, dude. Shut it. I wanna fucking know what she meant.”
“I mean how you can just fuck and run. You show no feelings towards them, you treat some girls like they are shit, I have seen it, and Reeve, it scares me. I…” I cut her fucking lipsy mouth off.
“That is total bullshit and you know it.” She flinches from my tone; it comes out harsher than I expected but fuck, she is gripping my shit right about now
. She knows that all the girls that we have been with know that they are only getting one night.
“They know what they are getting Leah, me and Reeve and always make it perfectly clear that it is what it is, a single good night between us. We never lead them on to more. And we most certainly don’t treat them like shit. What you see at Max’s is a few girls who want more but can’t take no for an answer. So we get a bit hard on them to get our message through.”
“And besides, Leah,” I sneer her name, “you don’t seem to have a problem with other men like us. How many times have you had men hang all over you at the club? Huh? Yeah, not so lipsy now, are you? Fucking hell, I have never disrespected a woman in my life but you already have a bad vision on me in that pretty little head of yours, so what it the fucking point in my trying anymore?” Leah goes pale and tears fill her eyes. My stomach drops into my Chucks as Leah turns and runs from the house, straight out the front door.
“Priceless, bro, fucking priceless. Ten minutes ago we were wrapped up in her, and all she wanted to do was express her feelings and you get all defensive on her again. Way to fucking go. I will go after her and see if I can calm her down and maybe see if I can get to the root of her issues with us. But then again, she fucking loves me and really fucking hates you more now. You just gave her every reason to hate you. Fuck dude, I pray that she will come around, or you are going to regret making her run.” He shakes his head and follows out the same door as Leah ran through. Shit, did I really just totally run her off?
Well, fuck my life.
Chapter 6
What a total dick Reeve just was. I love Reeve like a brother, he is such a good friend, always there when I need him. He is always there whenever his family or friends need him; he is loyal to a fault. I get the way he reacts towards Leah but he also needs to understand, that she hasn’t done anything like this before so she is nervous and scared. Hell, even I can see that.