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Rafe Page 2

  “Okay cool, so where do you wanna put it?” I ask with a smirk. Kyle smiles at me.

  “Anywhere you want me to put it baby,” he says with a wink. These men really like to wink. I give him my wrist and shrug my shoulders. He smiles and stamps the inside on my right wrist. I look at it as I’m walking into the club. I was expecting a symbol that’s linked to the club or even Max Point’s name but nope. I have a stamp that says ‘I Love Inside Noise’. I look up from my wrist to Gunner, who is smiling at me.

  “It’s a band thing; the guys thought of it for their groupies,” he says with a slight shrug.

  I frown. “Groupies? Really? They are a college band, Gun. Do girls really fall at their feet?” He smiles and walks past me. Maisey stops at me.

  “Yeah, babe they do.” She winks and follows Gunner to the bar.

  The club is packed full; I guess the band really is popular. I slide up beside Maisey and Gunner to order my drink. “What can I get you doll?” the bartender asks me with a full panty dropping smile.

  “Bottle Coors please, no glass.”

  He nods, “Coming right up” As he walks away to get my drink, Monty and Gunner are talking to female bartender. She is pretty little thing, so I look around the room while waiting for my drink. I feel cool fingers slide down my arm that’s resting on the bar, so I turn back to the bar and I notice it the hottie bartender getting my attention.

  “Hi again and thanks,” I say taking my drink with a wink.

  “So, what’s your name? Not seen you in here before, you new to Cali?” I look at him with his bleach blonde short but shaggy hair, sparkling blue eyes- full surfer dude.

  “I’m Lucy. Not been to this place before but I’m from Cali. I just moved back here a few weeks ago after traveling for a while. A few friends of mine go to SoCal. And you are?” Maisey elbows me and smiles before walking away. God, I love this girl but can she be any more obvious that she likes that the bartender that is hitting on me? “So?” I look at him still waiting for a response.

  “I’m Jackson. Lived here all my life. I work here part time and I’m a part time surf instructor. So if you’re not a student, what do you do here?” I smile, very nice indeed.

  “Nice to meet you, Jackson. I work in a small clothing store. I had better go and join my friends at their table. I’ll catch you later?” He nods while licking his lips, watching me walk away.

  I spot Monty and Gunner, sitting at a table seated between the bar and stage, where the band’s equipment is already set up. There are girls already filling the dance floor and crowding the stage. There are two microphones and two guitars set up and a black and silver drum kit at the back of the stage. The main bass drum has a silhouette of a black phoenix and the name Inside Noise in red. As I take in the picture, a shiver runs through me. OK, where did that come from?

  I suddenly have a bad feeling about this band. The lights dim and three figures appear on stage and the crowd of girls goes wild. Another shiver runs through me. I rub my arms and Gunner mouths, “Are you okay?” I nod and we go back to watching the band start. A steady beat from the drums starts, and then the guitars start up. The girls go crazy. The beat builds and builds and then the lights hit the stage. I freeze.

  Fuck. Me. That summer hits me all over again. Panic sets in, I can’t be here. They can’t see me. Fuck.

  Inside Noise are the Phoenix triplets. Reeve, Ryder and Rafe. Shit.

  I stand to leave but Maisey taps my arm. “Where you going? You okay?” I look from Maisey to the stage and I see 3 pairs of eyes on me. They look at me then at each other, except for Rafe. He keeps his eyes locked on mine.

  “I can’t be here Maise, I can’t.” I look back at the stage and catch Rafe still looking at me.

  He shakes his head ‘no’ and mouths “Sit”. I stand for a few seconds and then sit. I thought I had escaped my old life but evidently not.

  Chapter 2


  My day started out awesome. I cleaned the apartment, even managed to complete an assignment that isn’t due yet. I got to work on my car for a few hours and went for a job, taking Cane with me. He is our dog, Cane is short for Hurricane because he is a freaking crazy running around the apartment. My day was great until I set my eyes on her.

  Lucy Cooper.

  I haven’t seen Lucy in quite some time but by fuck do the feelings come flooding back. I see my brothers look between Lucy and me but say nothing. They can’t we are on stage. It’s a shock, as we haven’t seen her in a while. Well, since she took off traveling after she lost the baby. We lock eyes and she looks at Gunner and Maisey and then back to me. She stands to leave but I shake my head ‘no’ and mouth to her to sit. She obeys but she doesn’t look very happy. I don’t have to sing for the first few songs so I get to look over at Lucy, who is chatting quietly with Maisey while peeling the paper label off her beer bottle. She refuses to look at me; I can see she is trying her damned hardest not to look. I smile to myself.

  I look back at Ryder who is losing himself in the beat, Reeve is singing to the girls whom are all standing around the stage. He gyrates his dick into his guitar and the girls go crazy. After a few more songs the sweat is pouring off my brothers and me. Reeve smiles at me and I nod.

  “How are you all doing tonight? You all having a fucking rocking time with us?” The girls scream louder and we all laugh. “Well ladies, I know that Ryder, Rafe and I are fucking hot up on this stage, giving you the show of your lives. But it’s awfully hot work.” He pulls his tee away from his body.

  “How about we remove some clothing to help us cool down, would you like that?” He smiles at the crowd and again the girls go crazy. I look over to Lucy, who is still playing with the beer bottle label, not paying us any attention.

  “I don’t think everyone heard you, Reeve. Lucy, baby, you ok with us Phoenix boys talking out tees off?” I nod in her direction and a few people turn around to look at her. She stiffens but then straightens her shoulders. She smiles and stands up and heads over to me. She looks a bit pissed, if you ask me, but is trying to hide it.

  I place my bass guitar on my hip and drop to one knee as she stands in front of me on stage. She crooks her finger, calling me closer. She licks her lips and I can’t help but follow suit. God, I want to lick those lips. Hell, I want to lick more than her lips.

  “Do you know what I say, Rafe?” she asks.

  “What, baby?”

  “I say you take your shirt off and you can give it to one of your groupie sluts for all I care, as long as you and your brothers forget you ever saw me here. Got it?” She winks and walks back over to Gunner and Maisey. Well fuck me. I look around and see people waiting to see what she said to me as she walks away.

  Lucy takes her bag from the table and says something to Maisey and heads for the door.

  “Well ladies, it looks like she can’t handle some Phoenix skin. Oh well, more for all you lovely hotter ladies.” I regret it as soon as it’s out of my mouth. I see Lucy stop and turn to face me.

  I see a tear fall down her cheek. She shakes her head and I feel my gut knot up. I just had to fucking push “Fuck, Lucy wait I…” She shakes her head again and walks towards the main door towards Kyle. Shit, I can’t leave. We are in the middle of a set. I never know when to shut my big fat mouth.

  Once we finish our set for the night, we head over to Gunner and Maisey, who attacks me right away. “What the fuck did you say to her, Rafe? She just left in tears you dick.” Gunner puts his hands on her thigh keeping her in her seat, thank god.

  “I didn’t say anything to upset her, Maise I swear. I know her, we all know her. We all grew up together.” Fuck, I need a drink. I walk away without saying anything else. I know I made a dick move, I don’t need Maisey tell me over and over again.

  I see Izzy behind the bar and she walks over to me, “What can I get you, Rafe?” she asks, with a shit ton of attitude. I guess she saw what went down with Lucy as well. Izzy is normally quite a sweet girl with long mousey brown h
air; she always has it in a high ponytail. She is very hot but also very shy, which is why her attitude shocks me.

  “A shot of Patron and a Coors please, Iz.” I meet her eyes but she scowls at me and heads over to sort my drinks. I see Jackson talking to Sarah, the other bartender, who is also very hot but I haven’t touched that (or Izzy for that matter). Max only employs very hot staff, fuck even Jackson is a good-looking dude.

  “I don’t know what you just said to that girl, Rafe, but she just walked out of here sobbing. I can’t believe you made her cry like that! Was it worth humiliating her that way? Are you happy now?” Shit I can’t catch a fucking break, can I?

  “I know, Iz. I’m a dick. I shouldn’t have done that, I will apologize to her when I see her, ok?” She nods and turns to serve another customer. I down my shot and carry my beer to the back room. I feel someone latch onto my forearm and I look to see who has stopped me. The hand belongs to a hot looking babe, with long blond hair and big ass tits. Awesome, maybe my night can turn around after all.

  “Where are you going, Rafe?” she asks while licking her lips.

  “Back room, I need to chill.”

  “Can I join you? Maybe I can help you relax a bit, baby.” She trails her hand over my chest. I smile and wrap my arm around her waist and pull towards the back room. It’s the room the boys and me go to before and after a gig to unwind. We head down the dark corridor and I see Ryder pass us as we reach the door. Ryder looks at me and shakes his head, looking disappointed. Has she had Ryder or Reeve before?

  “Hey have you fucked Ryder or Reeve before?” She looks taken back but hey I have to ask.

  “What the hell, Rafe? No, I haven’t been with Ryder or Reeve. God, I can’t believe you just asked me that!” If she only knew.

  “I had to ask, it’s been done before. And don’t get all pissy, you are still gonna go in that room and let me fuck you so…” I motion for her to walk through the door I just opened. She lowers her head and walks in. Yeah, fucking thoughts so.

  As soon as the door is closed she pushes me flat against the door and kisses me. She drives her tongue into my mouth and she tastes like smoke, ugh. Fucking hate it. I pull away and kiss her neck and she moans loudly. She drops to her knees and starts undoing my belt, then my buttons on my jeans. I look down at her and all I see is blond hair, but I think of Lucy fucking Cooper. God, that girl is still in my dreams, has been for years. The girl whose name I still don’t know pulls my hardened dick out of my boxers.

  “Hey, what’s your name again?” I ask her just as she is about to lick me.

  “Kim, my name is Kim.” I smile down at her while she takes me into her mouth. Oh fuck, that feels so good, she is sucking like a fucking pro. Goddamn that feels good. I put my hand on the back of her head and guide her up and down my dick. I look down and see her blond hair bobbing up and down. Oh god Lucy, that feels good. I can see Lucy’s face on my head as she is sucking me off. Fuck.

  “Yeah, baby that feels so fucking good. Oh god, Luce harder.” She sucks harder. “Oh fuck, Lucy suck it, baby suck it good. Let me feel the back of your throat, that’s so good Lu…” The feeling dies down. “Why did you stop, that was fucking amazing?”

  “Who the fuck is Lucy? My name is Kim” Oh shit, I called out Lucy’s name.

  I shake my head and she stands up. “Fuck I’m so sorry, my head is fried tonight.” I put myself away now that I’m completely soft.

  “I saw her tonight, Rafe. That girl was Lucy, wasn’t she?” I nod and look at the fan that’s spinning on the ceiling. I move from the door and sit on the black leather couch. I hear the door open and look up at Kim.

  “You were a dick to two girls tonight, Rafe, who didn’t deserve it.” With that she heads out the door, closing it behind her.

  I sit on the couch and think about Lucy. What she was like in school, wondering what she did while she was traveling. The last I heard was that she ended up staying in the UK with some girl and her family. I can’t believe how much of a dick I was tonight; she didn’t deserve what I did. I really need to speak with her and apologize. Fuck my life. I go over to the sink in the corner of the room and splash cold water on my face. I stare at myself in the mirror and wonder why the fuck I did what I just did, there was no rhyme or reason. She only asked me to forget that I ever saw her, but why? I don’t get it. but by Christ I will find out.

  I wipe my face and adjust my hair. I still have a similar style to what I had when I was in high school. I don’t like fuss; I don’t have time for it half the time so quick and easy is best. Unlike Mr-Take-Too-Long-In-The-Bathroom Reeve, the dude just has to use the straighten iron on his hair. I have kept my hair short around the sides and back but longer on top. I have my black studs in my ears tonight; my mom had them designed for me. They have our band symbol of the Phoenix printed on them.

  I head back out to the bar and take a seat next to Ryder. Reeve and Skeet are at the bar chatting to a group of girls, nothing unusual. The back room girl, Kim, is draped over Skeet but really don’t care. I guess all she wanted was a way in.

  “Maise, I need her number,” I ask Maisey, who is still looking like she is planning my murder.

  “Why the hell would I give it to you, Rafe? You treated her like shit!” she shouts at me over the music.

  I look down at the table and trace the pattern with my finger. I know I treated her like crap but I also know that I need to see her and apologize. “I need to see her, Maise. I need to tell her how sorry I am. I get that I fucked up ok, you don’t have to keep fucking reminding me.” I’m starting to get pissed now that she keeps rubbing it in. “I screwed up and I need to sort it out with Lucy. Now, are you gonna give me her number or not?” I stare at her. I see Gunner look between us and Ryder is looking at Maisey. None of us have challenged her before; she is hard as nails.

  “You fucking hurt her again, Rafe, and I will cut your balls off and pin them to the neck of your bass for everyone to see. Got it?” she says, while pulling her phone out of her bag. She rattles off Lucy’s cell number, and I put her number in under the only name I have for her, ‘Snowflake’. I smile to myself and I look up to see Ryder, Gunner and Maisey all looking at me.

  “What?” I ask them.

  “You really care for her don’t you?” Gunner asks.

  “You have no fucking idea how long he has liked her for, guys. I kid you not.” Ryder points to me. “Love sick fucking puppy this one. He was always after Lucy in high school but she always thought she was too good for us, even though we had money. It was the whole rock star thing; her parents were never like it. When they did talk you could see the spark between them but moves were never made, were they, bro?” He looks at me and I shake my head ‘no’.

  “Timing was never on our side, simple. But Maise, I will not hurt her, I can promise you that.” She nods her head and takes a sip from her pink girly drink.

  I stand up and finish off my beer, tuck my phone into the back pocket of my jeans and bend down to kiss Maisey on the cheek. “I will make it up to her ok, Maise? I promise.” She smiles at me and I nod a bye to Ryder and Gunner and head for Reeve, who is still at the bar with Skeet.

  Kim sees me and tenses a little but I can’t help but smirk. Even though Reeve and Skeet share girls, they don’t touch girls that we have already had. “Boys, I’m out. I need to clear the air with Snowflake.” Both boys know whom I’m talking about.

  “Ok, bro. Let me know if you need anything,” Reeve says and I nod. I look at Kim and then back to Skeet, who has his arm around her waist while Reeve is stroking her bare thigh. I am not going to ruin her night buy telling the boys because I treated her like crap too, so I let it fly. I nod to her with a smile and she smiles back at me.

  “Night boys.” I head towards Kyle, who is looking just as pissed as everyone else. Well fuck me, my girl has sucked everyone in and they are all taking her side.

  “Yeah, yeah I know I’m a fucking dick. I’m going to sort it out though, so chill yeah?” I wave
my hand dismissively at him but he doesn’t let me off that easy.

  “What the fuck were you thinking? I have known you for a while now, Rafe, and I have never seen you treat a girl like that before. She was so sweet and you fucking humiliated her in front of everyone, and yeah I can guess that everyone has chewed your ass over this, but by fuck you deserve it. I had to force her to take a cab home because she wanted to walk and try and calm down.” My body goes rigid.

  “Please tell me she got in that fucking cab?” He nods and I take a deep breath.

  “Fuck I will make it up to her, Kyle. Why the fuck am I repeating myself tonight? I’m out I need to sort this shit out”

  “Don’t fuck her over, Rafe. She looks like a girl who isn’t into one-night stands. She is a forever girl just remember that. If she isn’t what you want them let her be.”

  His words hit me as they ring true. Lucy Cooper is a forever girl. She is the one that you don’t let get away.

  I need to see Lucy now.

  Chapter 3


  My heart was pounding in my chest as I walk towards the door, after telling Maisey and Gunner that I need to home and that I would explain tomorrow. I here Rafe’s amused voice, “Well ladies, it looks like she can’t handle some Phoenix skin. Oh well, more for all you lovely hotter ladies.” I turn to face the stage, where he is standing at full height now. I feel the tears fill my eyes, my body freezes and I hear people laugh. The tears roll down my face. The smile falls from his face as I feel my stomach drop through my feet. I just stare at him, unable to move until he says my name, “Luce.” That brings me back to now. I shake my head and take off towards the door. I see Kyle looking at me with sympathy in his eyes.

  “Fuck sweetness. Okay, hang tight I will call you a cab.” I shake my head no. Unable to speak, I take a deep breath and clear my throat.