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Magnum (Rugged Skulls MC Book 1) Page 19
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Page 19
“You might want to step away from my girl and put the gun down. All your men are dead or dying. We have the place surrounded. No one is coming to help you, boy. Your father has disowned you for going against orders,” I tell him, totally satisfied that it pisses him off enough that his grip on the gun loosens.
“Bullshit,” he spits and tightens his grip on Kara. She gasps and brings her head up and sees me. She blinks a few times before her eyes focus on me.
“Hey, baby. We’ll be going home real soon, okay,” I say softly but firm.
“Hen—Henny?” she asks, her voice broken. Even after all they’ve done to her, her main priority is that baby back at the clubhouse.
Giving her a tight smile, I tell her, “He’s fine, baby. Perfect. He was sleeping when we left.”
My gaze keeps flicking around the room, checking to see where my brothers are, ready to strike when I say so.
“Enough of this bullshit. You fuckers back away and we leave. She was mine first,” Hancock spits, gripping Kara tighter, making her gasp.
Pulling my secondary gun from the back of my jeans, my hand tightens around the grip, aiming at the fucker that has my girl. I need to keep him talking, piss him off more so his concentration shifts just a fraction, so I can take the shot.
“Don’t think so, dipshit. She was mine years ago. I just hadn’t tasted her then. But oh, fuck me, have I tasted her now, over and over again.” Licking my lips, I wink at him. I see his eyes twitch. Yeah, I’m getting to him.
“She tastes like fucking heaven, best fucking pussy to ever come in my mouth.”
“SHUT UP!” he screams. Kara gasps, bringing her gaze back to mine, and I wink at her. Her eyes widen, and she knows what I’m doing. She gives a tiny nod that, if I weren’t paying attention, I would have missed.
“You have the best tongue I’ve had, Mag,” Risky breathes out, the effects of the beating taking all her energy. Hancock jerks her body, and she cries out.
Keep it coming, baby. He’ll lose control any second now, I think to myself.
“Fuck, your pussy and your ass feels good taking my cock. You love it in the ass, right, babe?”
“Yep. Mmm, so good,” she groans.
“I said, shut the fuck up!” Hancock screams again, and I see his grip loosen on her a little more. Smirking at him, I throw another verbal jab at him.
“Did Kara ever let you fuck her ass? Oh damn, man, you were missing out.” I lick my lips, reaching down with one hand and squeezing my junk.
“Shut the fuck up, motherfucker. She is mine. I had her first. She will always be mine. You will let us go, because if I can’t have her, no one can,” he spits out. I see movement behind then, and I watch as Crude and Sarge move in. With a slight shake of my head, they still.
“Oh, now see, that’s where you’re wrong, Marvin. Kara has always been mine, ever since she was sixteen years old. But I kept my distance because I knew I was a horny fucker and she was still finding her feet. But you see, everyone around us knew that she would be mine one day.”
Risky brings her gaze up to mine, tears streaking down her face, her eyes red and puffy from the hits they’ve given her. He will fucking suffer for touching her. Our gazes lock as I continue my speech.
“Kara was made for me, and me for her. Magnum and Risky forever baby. I was her first fuck, and I will be her last. Any man before me doesn’t count.”
“Bullshit! I fucked her six ways to Sunday, and she loved it. She will always remember me,” Hancock says, making me laugh.
Enough is enough now. I need this over with and my girl taken care of, so I can take her home and show her how much I fucking love her ass.
“Risky,” I call, making sure I still have her attention. “Do you remember when the club went to the lake that one time, for your sixteenth birthday?” She nods. Good girl.
“That dipshit kept trying to untie that sexy black bikini you were wearing.” Another nod. Good, she’s still with me. “What did I tell you do to?”
Her eyes widen, the memory telling her everything she needs to do. I smirk at her, and it’s like her body gets it’s second, hell, maybe it’s tenth, wind. The gun Hancock is holding to her head has slipped a little, now aiming at her neck.
With a feral scream, Kara, musters up what is left of her strength and throws her head back, headbutting Hancock in the face. Blood bursts from his nose and he drops his hands from my girl and stumbles back.
Not waiting another second, I fire my gun, hitting him between the eyes.
Kara drops to the floor, her legs giving out. I let my gun fall to the floor and race across to Risky. She’s barely conscious when I reach her. Brushing her hair out of her face, I run my gaze over her body, seeing the swelling.
I scan her body and hiss out a breath, seeing the little cuts she has all over her lower stomach, hips and inner thighs. I bring my hand back up to her face and cup her jaw, leaning in for a gentle kiss, making sure not to hurt her any more than she already is. She pulls away, but I ignore the pang in my chest. She’s been through a fuck load over the last few hours.
“We’ll get you to the hospital now, babe. They’ll patch you up.” A t-shirt is handed to me and I look up, seeing Sarge. I nod and slowly put it on Kara.
“Baby, I need to lift you up and get you out of here, okay? I’m sorry, but this will hurt like a bitch.”
Sliding one arm around her back and one under her legs, I lift. She whines in pain but doesn’t cry out. Sarge and Colt are there to help me to my feet, and like a military honor, they make a wall on either side of us, leading to the car that the prospect has brought forward, no doubt on Colt’s orders.
“Baby girl. Fuck, look what the cunt did to you. He’s lucky he’s dead. I would make him suffer for many moons,” Crude says, looking Kara over.
“Believe me, I would have done the same, but I needed Kara away from him. He’ll suffer in hell. The Reaper has special place for fuckers like him,” I explain and step closer to the truck.
Abe opens the door for me, and I slide into the back seat, holding my girl tight to my chest. Kissing her head, she shivers.
“There’s a blanket next to you, Pres. The body temperature drops when someone goes into shock. There’s also some water, in case she needs it,” Abe tells me, and I give him a nod.
“Much appreciated, brother.” He returns the nod and closes the door, before jumping into the driver seat and driving off, followed by a rally of bikes, the megawatt sound of pipes following us.
Holding her close to me, I thank all the fucking gods of the world that she’s alive and back with me. A tear escapes down my cheek, but I don’t get rid of it. I refuse to let my girl go.
“I love you, Kara Lornes,” I whisper against her hair.
She is never leaving my side again. She’s stuck with me until the end of time.
Sitting up in the hospital bed, my body is now clean of any blood, thanks to the nurse cleaning me up as gently as she could. I needed over thirty butterfly stiches on the cuts Hancock gave me. Thankfully, none of them were deep enough for full stiches, but some will leave a scar. Honestly, I’m okay with that. It’s better than being dead and never seeing my family again.
They explained that I had three fractured ribs, over thirty cuts, and a concussion, but no broken bones in my face. The swelling will go down and the bruises will fade eventually.
But the memories won’t. I won’t ever forget what the bastard did to me. Even though he’s dead, I wish he was still alive so I can cut him a million and one times, make him suffer.
“Do you need anything, baby?”
Shaking my head, I glare at Magnum. His face shows his worry and love for me, but I can’t focus on that. The image of him and Riley is still fresh in my head. With my uninjured hand, I pull up the blanket, wanting to sleep for weeks.
“Will you talk to me, Kara? You’ve barely spoken to me. I understand what the fucker did to you, but you seem to be
throwing some hate my way. Care to explain?” Magnum asks, moving from his chair and sitting on the bed, next to my hip.
I know there’s no point beating around the bush with him, so I give it to him straight. Too fucking tried to fight with him.
“I saw the photo of you and Riley. You, enjoying sucking on her tits; no doubt you fucked her after too. While I was hanging from a fucking chain, you were fucking some whore,” I scream.
All the anger and heartbreak that has built, spills over. Swiping the tears away from my face, I wince at the pain in my cheekbone. Bringing my gaze back to Magnum, I see him frowning, but I also see that he’s pissed.
Shaking his head, he walks out of the room, and my heart breaks all over again. Fuck, it’s true. He did sleep with her, rather than look for me. I cry into my hands, slowly sinking down into the bed, careful of my ribs.
Why am I surprised though? They’re all the fucking same. It takes a rare man to commit fully to his woman, and clearly Joey Masters isn’t one of them.
I hear heavy footsteps before my room is filled with leather and denim. Big, handsome, burly bikers line the wall at the bottom of my bed. Some frowning at me, some looking at me with concern.
“So apparently, brothers, while Kara was hanging from chains, being cut and beaten, I was getting my rocks off fucking a Reg. Can anyone confirm that to her?” Magnum nods in my direction.
All of a sudden, I now have every pair of eyes back on me, and the fire in them tells me they are fucked off with me.
“What the fuck, Kara? He didn’t stop looking for you. The only Reg that was at the Tower was Dezi, and she was helping cook and take care of Drix,” Edge snaps at me. I cower, then straighten my shoulders and glare right back.
“He had a fucking photo, okay? It was Magnum sucking on that cunt’s tits. I saw it,” I scream. Tears flow freely down my cheeks, and these men’s faces go from hard to soft as they look at my heart breaking all over again in front of them.
To my surprise, Rookie steps up to the bed and takes my hand in his, earning a growl from Magnum.
“Listen here, girl. Your man hunted high and low for ya. He didn’t rest. He even had Click and her lad look for you from across the pond. He wasn’t with that skank and she won’t be near the club again. She’s done. Well fecking done. I will make sure of it meself, okay?”
Was the photo a fake, or was it from before we got together? With a shaky nod, he leans in and kisses my forehead, then chuckles, pulling back when Magnum growls, deeper this time.
“Yeah, yeah, we get it, brother. But she’s our queen, so we pay respect to her, yeah,” Rookie says, standing up. The rest of the brothers in the room nod in confirmation.
Holy fucking shit, those words hit me deep.
Am I really Magnum’s queen?
“Okay, everyone out. I need to talk with Kara.”
He called me Kara, not Risky or his old lady. Have I fucked up that bad?
If that’s how he wants to go with this, then I will pull up my big girl panties, slide on my combat boots, and walk the fuck away without looking back.
Each of the men say their goodbyes with either a tap on my feet, or a nod. I look at Slide, and a small smile graces my face.
“Are you crying, Slidey?”
He sniffs, quickly wiping his eyes. “No, these hospital rooms are disgusting, covered in dust. Damn allergies.” He waves his hand in front of his face, and the boys chuckle and push him out of the room.
The smile slips from my face when Edge moves closer to me. His eyes fill with tears and mine do the same.
He leans in and wraps his big arms around me, hugging me tight, but not enough to hurt me. I hear him sniff and feel his body shake. We cry together, a bond formed over the baby boy, who is now safe and healthy.
“I can’t ever thank you enough, Kara. No words, honestly. I am forever in your debt. You need or want anything that your old man can’t get you, I will get it, no questions asked. Got it?”
I nod, unable to speak through the golf ball of emotion in my throat. He kisses my head and leaves, closing the door behind him. And me and Magnum are alone.
The silence is deafening, filling the room with thick tension. Sucking in a deep breath, I manage to move myself up the bed, but in a flash, Magnum is there, helping me back into a seating position.
Stepping back, he walks over to the window and leans against the frame, folding his arms across his chest and crossing one ankle over the other. Damn, he looks good. Hell, he always looks good.
He’s wearing an orange t-shirt, slightly longer than his cut, very worn blue jeans with perfectly placed rips and tears, and his biker boots.
“Are we going to not talk, because I’m kinda tired. So, if you’re going to ignore me, then you can leave.”
He scoffs and brings his demon gaze to mine. I suck in a breath, seeing the hurt in his eyes. Shifting his feet, he looks back down to the floor and then speaks.
“I thought I would never see you again. Do you know what that feels like?”
Nodding, I lick my dry lips. My chest tightens.
“I thought he was going to kill me, and I would never see you again. Then he showed me the photo, and I wished for him to kill me. I begged for it,” I whisper, looking down at the pale blue hospital blanket covering my legs.
“Fucking hell, baby.” He’s at my side in seconds, climbing onto the bed and wrapping me in his big arms. I sob into his chest, tucking my free hand between us, gripping the material of his shirt in my fist.
We sit like that for a few minutes, soaking in the warmth of each other. And I thank God that I’m here and alive, breathing in the man I love, savoring his touch.
“The photo is old. I had no idea it was taken. Opal is going to get the info we need and deal with it. Riley is the one that sent the photo to Marvin. We aren’t sure yet how she knew about Marvin, but we’ll find out. She will pay for this, and any Regs that helped her,” he says above me, tightening his hold on me.
“I’m sorry. How did you find out that it was Riley?” is all I say. He knows what I’m sorry for.
Magnum knows me, and I know him. This is why we work and will always work. We may butt heads and argue, but fuck, that’s the fun in our relationship. Plus, the make-up sex will be off the charts.
“I’m sorry too. I should have protected you and the family of the club more. I let things slip. It’s my job as Pres to protect what’s mine. As for Riley, she got drunk and let slip at a bar in town. Little did she know that Dezi’s cousin works at the bar and heard what happened. She passes on the information” He sighs into my hair before laying a kiss on the top of my head.
“You’re only human, Joey. You can’t protect us all every minute of the day. We’re adults and know the risks of being involved with the club. It isn’t like you’re dealing drugs, or a shit load worse. You’re the good guys, for fucks sake. You take care of every member and their family, through the club, via protection and supporting them financially and with a big fucking heart. As for Riley I hope that Karma catches up with her real fucking soon.”
Pulling my head back, I look up and offer my mouth to him. He takes it, kissing me like his life depends on it. All the aches and pains vanish; his touch takes that away. We sit and kiss for Lord knows how long, until someone clears their throat. Magnum growls then lifts his head, looking over my shoulder at the person.
“What? Can’t it wait? I’m having some sugar from my baby,” he tells them. I gingerly adjust my body, hissing in pain.
My uncle Crude and aunt Jewel are here, both looking tired with tears in their eyes. Colt is standing at the bottom of the bed with his old lady, Magnum’s mom, Lilly, next to him.
Aunt Jewel comes over to me, pushing Magnum’s hands off me. He chuckles and climbs off the bed. She wraps her arms around me, sobbing into my neck. Tears fall down my cheeks, and I squeeze my eyes shut, soaking in the motherly moment. It’s times like this that I miss my mom the most. Like when I’m pottering around my Jeep, I feel
my dad with me.
“Jesus, baby girl, I thought we’d lost you.” She sniffs again, hugging me tighter, making me wince this time.
“I’m sorry,” I sigh. She pulls back and gives me her best mom look.
“You did nothing wrong, do you hear me? It was that little twatwaffle who needed to grow a fucking pair of man balls,” Jewel hisses.
“Down, baby. She knows all of that. Now, he won’t be able to hurt anyone else, so she can breathe and move on with Magnum.” I look over to where he’s standing by the window again. I smile at him and he grins, throwing me a wink.
“When you two have stopped eye-fucking each other… I want to welcome Kara into the family,” Colt says. I wink back at Magnum, who shakes his head, laughing, then comes back over to the bed and sits next to me, putting his arm around my shoulders.
“We do more than eye-fuck, Pops,” Magnum states proudly. Colt laughs, but Uncle Crude growls and punches Magnum in the arm. But my man, being the tough guy he is, doesn’t even flinch.
“She’s a big girl, honey. You do know she has sex, right?” Aunt Jewel says, winking at me.
I snicker when my uncle growls again, running his hand over his bald head before tugging on his long beard. Magnum gently brings me closer to him, and I yawn, soaking in the heat from his body.
“Right, you two apes, let’s give them some space; Kara needs to rest,” Lilly states. They all move in, one at a time, to hug me goodbye. My uncle Crude is last. He pushes Magnum out of the way and pulls me softly into his big body.
His shoulders shake, and I hear his sniff. His warm breath hitting the side of my face; he breathes in deep, before pulling back. The tears in his eyes bring fresh ones to mine.
“Love you, baby girl. You know that. After your parents were gone, I saw you as my own. Despite all the shit you put me through, I will always see you as my daughter and love you until my last breath.” Nodding, I kiss his cheek. He turns his head to look at Magnum.