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Magnum (Rugged Skulls MC Book 1) Page 11

  “I shot at the tires of the SUV, trying to get him to stop or at least get them off your old lady’s tail, but with the heavy traffic, hitting my mark was almost impossible. I managed it, but that caused the fucker to lose control and hit Risky anyway, and she crashed, getting hurt on my watch.”

  He sighs, his shoulders deflating, then in a snap he straightens his spine and looks up at me, making eye contact.

  “I will hand in my cut. I’m not fit to wear it; I can’t even protect the President’s old lady.” His voice is strong, but I can hear the slight tremor; his pain of leaving the club.

  He has some balls, I’ll give him that. Looking around the table, I see what my brothers think of this fucked up situation. Sarge shakes his head slightly, and so does Opal. They agree with what I’m thinking without me actually saying shit.

  “You’ll do no such thing, prospect. You did right. Any one of us would have done the same thing. Kara’s accident could have been a lot worse if you hadn’t shot out his tires. Not only that, you got to us to let us know, knowing that Joel was taking care of my girl. You both did good.”

  Their shoulders both drop with relief as their chests puff out with pride. They will make damn good brothers once they’re patched in.

  “Any news of the fucker Marvin? Risky said it was him behind the wheel,” I ask Opal.

  “Yeah, he isn’t in Phoenix, clearly. Colt said they lost sight of him three days ago. I—”

  “Three days ago, and he didn’t think to inform me? That fucker is gunning for my woman and no one told me he was close?” I bellow. None of the boys react. They’re used to my outbursts.

  “Fuck knows, brother. Ask him yourself,” Opal says, sliding his phone across the table. I hit Colt’s number. He picks up after three rings.


  “What the fuck, old man? You lost that cunt and didn’t fucking tell me, knowing there was a high chance he was coming here for Kara,” I yell into the phone. My heart is racing, my blood boiling.

  “I know she’s your girl, but watch how you speak to me, boy,” my father bellows into the phone.

  Don’t get me wrong, Colt is a great father; firm but also relaxed and lets us fuck up and learn from our mistakes. But he is a mean son of a bitch, a strong President. One thing you do not do with him is show disrespect, or he will cut you off at the knees. Literally.

  “Fuck,” I mutter. “Sorry.”

  The boys snicker around the table and I flip them off. Pricks.

  “We had a meeting with Marvin Hancock Senior, hoping he could give us more intel on his son. Apparently, he’s gone off the rails, gone against everything that was told to him. He took his right-hand man, that’s it. No one can track him,” Colt explains.

  “How’s Kara?” comes Crude’s voice. He sounds pissed. Hell, beyond pissed.

  “She’s doing okay. A little banged up. She’s dislocated and fractured her thumb and has a bump on the head. She’s resting up.”

  “In your bed, I assume,” Crude states. Now he sounds even more pissed. Crude knew what I was like when I was younger and prospecting for the club. Fuck, even after I became a patched member.

  “Yeah, my bed. You got a problem with that, old man?” I bite out. Resting my forearms on the table in front of me, I lock my fingers, stopping me from smashing Opal’s phone into pieces.

  “Yeah, I got a problem with it. You’re a fucking whore, Magnum. You fuck anything with tits and ass. My girl is way too fucking good to be treated like some slut you want to play with, only to get bored with soon enough,” he screams into the phone. Okay, so pissed off was way off the mark; livid is more like.

  “Nothing wrong with trying out new pussy, old man, but Kara… damn, that women has me fucking—” Opal clicks his fingers, shaking his head at me, stopping my brash words. Sucking in a deep breath, I compose myself before I continue.

  “Kara is my old lady. She’s accepted the roll and we’re finding our footing together. She isn’t just some pussy that I will tire of. She’s it for me. I called ‘dibs’, for fucks sake. I will protect with her my life, as will the men sitting around my table.”

  Agreements are yelled into the phone from my fellow brothers. Each of them nod at me, letting me know they have my back and that of my old lady’s.

  “You hurt her, Joey, and I will hunt you down. I mean it. She sheds a single tear over you; you mark her body or even hurt her feelings, I will be there. Son of the original President will mean fuck all to me. She has endured enough bullshit to last a lifetime. Now with this cunt on her tail, she deserves the fucking best. Do you understand me?”

  “Yeah, I got you, old—” I get cut off.

  “You call me old man once more, Magnum, and I will come down there and show you just what this old man can really do.”

  “If you say so, old man,” I torment him.

  “Cheeky cunt,” he growls into the phone. The room erupts in laughter. I wink at Opal and finish what I was saying.

  “Let us know what information you find out and we’ll try and track this fucker down. I’ll keep you posted.”

  “You got it, and, Magnum, watch her. She is precious.” With that, Colt hangs up the phone. Sighing, I lean back in my chair and steeple my hands, resting my fingers against my chin.

  “What are ya thinking, Pres?” asks Rookie as he leans forward in his chair, resting his arms on the table.

  “We need to track this cunt down before he makes another move on Risky. She is one tough bitch, but if anything happens to her, I will end everyone involved.”

  “We could really use Click and Override right about now,” Slide jokes, making me laugh and nod in agreement. Click will have a fucking field day when I tell her that I’ve bagged myself an old lady.

  “Call her up, see if she can help from across the pond,” Edge adds from his seat. “Prospect, pass the laptop.” He points to the laptop that’s sitting on the drinks cabinet in the corner.

  Once it’s open and turned on, I find the Skype app and call Click. Thank fuck I know the time difference between us. The screen loads up and the beeping starts. The screen flickers and Click’s pretty face appears on the screen, her smile lighting up her face.

  “Well, if it isn’t Joey ‘Magnum’ Masters. How are you, mate?” she asks, before looking over the top of the screen and smiling at whoever’s there. No doubt it’s one of her old men; EC or Override.

  “Hey, babe, I’m fucking good. How are you and the boys?”

  “We’re good. The club is good. A lot’s happened since we got back. Lots of bloody drama.” She laughs, but I can see the smile doesn’t reach her eyes.

  “Well, drama must follow us around, darlin’, because we have it right now. Let me give you a run down. A member’s niece was sent here for protection from her ex-boyfriend, who turns out to be fucking mafia. He’s made threats, hurt her friends. I made her my old lady, then she got into a crash earlier today. The cunt of an ex-boyfriend ran her off the road. She’s fine, but I need your help tracking this fucker down. Got all of that?”

  I suck in a breath, looking around the room to see the boys fighting to hide their smiles and laughter at bay. Fuckers. They know how Click will react when she catches onto the old lady part. Let’s hope she doesn’t rip into me too bad.

  Her face is a picture of shock and amusement; her eyes wide and mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. I smile at her reaction.

  “Hang on, hang on, hang on. Did you just say old lady?”

  “Yeah, Mae, I did. Her name is Kara, but we call her Risky. She is mine. I need you to track the prick that hurt her, if you can,” I tell her. Her face sobers and she nods at me, giving me a determined look.

  “I’ll see what I can do. I’ll get Levi on it too.”

  “Thanks, darlin’. Means a lot to me,” I tell her.

  “Hey, man,” EC says from somewhere behind the camera. He comes on screen and sits next to Click, kissing the side of her head, then looks and smiles into the camera.<
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  “What’s up, man?”

  “We’re good. Well, except this shit with my girl, but your girl and man are going to help us out.”

  “Hold up, did you say, ‘my girl’. As in, you have a woman, Magnum?”

  I nod and smile. He bellows out a laugh, almost falling back in his chair. The boys around my table laugh as well, not holding it in anymore. I sit and wait for them to get it all out, laughing, holding their stomachs, which I hope hurt. Fuckers.

  “All done, fuckers?” I look around the room. Some of the boys are drying their eyes. Shaking my head, I look back at the screen and see that Click and EC are doing the same.

  “Thanks for the support, bitches,” I say to everyone.

  “Sorry, Mag, sorry. But you, the king of sluts, are settling down with one woman?” Click pipes in after sucking in a deep breath.

  Giving her a straight face and a firm gaze, she stares back, reading my seriousness in all of this. Cocking a brow at me, I give a slight nod.

  “Well, bloody hell, someone tamed the beast. Good for her. I’d love to meet her one day,” she says, genuinely looking happy for me. Smiling, I reply.

  “You will love her, Mae. She’s fucking feisty, but solid, ya know.”

  “You deserve it, Mag. I’m happy for you.”

  “Yeah, man, we’re happy for you. Plus, having sex on tap with the love of your life… Well, nothing beats it,” EC adds, kissing Click’s neck, making her giggle.

  I give her all the details and she says she’ll let me know if she finds anything. She’s good, her and Levi both, so fingers fucking crossed they find something. I finish up the meeting, checking in on the run we have coming up. We run guns for a few people, nothing huge because we like to stay under the radar.

  One of our ex-members who hurt Click a while back has gotten into some bad shit, still claiming he’s a part of the club. Omen is a mean motherfucker, not caring who he tramples on to get what he wants.

  He’s another one we need to try and find, and then put a stop to his bullshit.




  Mrs. Gibbons is a hoot. I want to be here when I reach her age. Talk about no filter. I believe she was never born with one. I sit on Magnum’s bed while she sits on his big black leather chair next to the bed.

  I’m holding my stomach from laughing so much. To be fair, she is helping me forget the pain I was in. The painkillers only helped so much, because I can’t take strong painkillers. They make me sick.

  “Now, you see, these boys need a good woman with strong hands to handle their dicks. Not some skank who’s too freaking scared to break a nail. Give me your hands, darlin’.”

  I remove one hand from Suki and offer it to her. She examines it, turning it over, inspecting both sides, humming and nodding to herself. Bringing her gaze to meet mine, she gives me a cheeky grin.

  “Definitely cock handling hands, my girl. You will need that with my boy Magnum, but I would imagine you already know that, don’t you?” She winks at me and I burst out laughing.

  Wiping the tears that are streaming down my face away, I suck in deep breaths, but my body aches some. I slept for a short period before Mrs. Gibbons came up here, but now I’m all of a sudden exhausted.

  Suki meows and raises her head toward the door, just before it swings open and the delicious Magnum steps in. I swear this man gets better every time I see him. Today he’s in an orange t-shirt that hugs him in the right places, and jeans that cling to his thick thighs.

  “What are you ladies cackling about?” he asks and steps over to the bed, sitting down next to me then leaning in for a kiss before I can answer him.

  Suki rubs against Magnum like the little attention whore she is. She loves all the men here, rubbing over them, sleeping in their laps. Hell, she even loves sleeping on Opal’s shoulders. Not that I blame her; they are rather large and strong.

  “Dicks,” Mrs. Gibbons proudly tells him. I shrug, smiling at Magnum, who’s shaking his head at us.

  Mrs. Gibbons stands, letting out a little groan as her bones creak. In a flash, Magnum is off the bed and at her side helping her to straighten up. With one arm still holding her elbow, he taps out a text before dropping his phone on the bed.

  It dings and the screen lights up. My anger bubbles when I see the chat group name: Snatch-Chat. I shake my head at him, letting him know that I hate that I’m pissed.

  “What’s got you looking like you just sucked a lemon?” Mrs. G asks, buttoning up her knitted cardigan. My eyes snap to hers before returning to Magnum’s. Nodding to the phone, he says.

  “Go on, tell her,” Magnum taunts me.

  “No, she doesn’t need to know about this,” I say.

  “Now I really want to know. Dearie, I may be an old coot, but I still know what you youngsters do on that media social thingy,” she quips, staring me down.

  “Magnum, why don’t you do the honors, since it’s you and the boys who take part.” I smirk at him, pulling Suki into my lap.

  “Fine. Me and the boys have a chat group called Snatch-Chat. The women the boys fuck don’t mind them taking photos of their pussies and sharing with the rest of us. We don’t know who the women are because no names or faces are revealed,” he says, shrugging like it’s not a big deal.

  “What’s wrong with that, Kara?” she asks me. I shrug and answer her question.

  “I don’t know. I think it’s wrong for these images to be shared around like they’re a toy or something,” I say, feeling like a child needing to justify my decision.

  Dropping my gaze to Suki, I stroke her, sliding my hands over her shiny, smooth fur. She purrs and I smile. She loves this motion.

  “Magnum, do these women give their full consent to these photos being taken?” she asks, looking up at Magnum.

  “They do. Some even get off on it,” he explains. Nodding, she looks back to me with a soft smile on her face.

  “Kara, honey, if these women are okay with this happening and even enjoy it, then that’s their choice. If they didn’t like what was happening, they would have put a stop to it, because I know these boys would never do anything against a woman’s will.”

  “I know but—”

  “No buts, Kara. It’s one-hundred-percent consensual. Just as a little extra incentive to believe us, we clear the chat once a week,” Magnums adds.

  “Okay, I’ll let it go. It doesn’t mean I like it but each to their own I guess, and I do not want to see it. So, if you want to visit P-Town again, then I suggest you leave the group. Just saying.” I shrug.

  A knock comes on the door and Rookie steps in, smiling at Mrs. G. Her answering smile brightens up her face and she steps over to him, gripping his face in her crinkly hands.

  “Oh, my little Irish darlin’, give me some sugar.” To my absolute surprise, Rookie leans in and kisses her on the mouth, just a quick peck and in good nature, but he’s smiling when he pulls back.

  Damn these men are swoon worthy.

  “Nothing little about me, sweetheart. Best damned kisser ever, I tell ya. I’m your escort down to ya car, Mrs. G.” He offers his elbow, which she takes, and leads her out of the room. She looks back at us and smiles.

  “Do not behave. Enjoy each other while you can. You never know what’s around the corner. Life it too short for drama and overthinking things. Grab it by the balls and live it; command it. All you need is love, my babies.” With that, they leave, and Magnum shuts and locks the door.

  Magnum strips naked, and I can’t help but admire his body. From his broad shoulders down to his tapered waist. His muscles ripple with each movement as he opens a drawer and pulls out some cut-off sweats.

  I watch in fascination as he bends slightly and drags the material up over his ass. And holy shit, what an ass it is. Round, firm and tanned. I also notice that Joey doesn’t have tan lines.

  I wonder if Magnum would let me lick and bite the firm globes. I bet every inch of him tastes so freaking goo
d. Licking my lips, I think over all the things I could do with this man’s body.

  “You enjoying the view, baby?” His voice brings me out of my dirty thoughts. Bringing my gaze up to his, I return his smirk with a saucy grin and climb to my knees, then move toward him.

  “Oh, baby, best view in the house.” I wink at him, making him laugh. Suki meows and climbs off the bed and walks over to the door, pawing at it.

  “I think someone wants to get out before she sees Daddy making Mommy scream his name,” Magnum jokes, opening the door for her to leave. She has free rein of the clubhouse.

  “Is that so?” I ask, watching as he relocks the door and climbs onto the bed with me. I get lost in the view as his abs crunch when he moves. Licking my lips again, I hear him chuckle.

  “Baby, you keep looking at me like that and I won’t be able to control myself.” He wiggles his eyebrows at me, and I laugh.

  He slides his arm around my shoulders, pulling me to him. I rest my head on his chest, letting his warmth and scent seep into my senses. I tuck one hand between us, and my other hand sits on his flat, toned stomach; my fingers flex against his skin and he sucks in a breath.

  Nice to know I can affect him as much as he does me.

  With his other hand, he flicks on the TV and starts up Netflix. Joey plays Triple Frontier. Who can say no to some Ben Affleck and Charlie Hunnam?

  Time flies when you’re completely lost in a gripping movie and wrapped up in your man’s arms. I blink the sleep away, not wanting to fall asleep yet, enjoying my time with Magnum.

  Watching the movie, I see the connection. The inner connection this group of men have. They understand each other before they actually say or do anything. The camaraderie reminds me of the MC.

  The club have a deep connection. Some of the brothers have served together, others joining after, but they are all one unit. How do we connect? A teenage crush doesn’t exactly connect us. I’m pretty sure the feelings were one-sided back then, maybe even now, even though he has claimed me.

  “I can hear the cogs turning, babe.” His voice startles me. I jump a little and his arm tightens around me.